About Us

CM Consulting and Creative Studio is a woman-owned business with a distinct focus on digital strategy and design services for small businesses, community impact ventures, nonprofits, museums, and cultural organizations.

We help organizations tell stories about who they are and what they can do in their communities.

For some organizations, this means we help organize their workflows and offer research and data management behind the scenes.  This empowers them to easily access their resources to tell stories about the impact of their work in their communities. 

We use expertise in digital approaches to help individuals, organizations, and businesses educate and influence their communities through dynamic storytelling. This may take the form of digital exhibits and web design, audio tours, video, or whatever medium best suits your message. 

We welcome the chance to help new businesses and organizations find an audience and we love working with established brands to refresh and reimagine their digital presence whether online or through social media. 

In all of our work, we emphasize inclusivity and accessibility. We don’t gatekeep our methods. For us, this means putting our clients at ease even if they don’t feel “tech-savvy.” For interested clients, we offer tutorials and templates that empower them to edit and produce their own digital work by the end of a project.

Our Team

Mary Mahoney

Mary Mahoney is a multifaceted professional with a passion for exploring digital storytelling. With a diverse background spanning podcasting, writing, academia, and public humanities, Mary is dedicated to uncovering the stories that shape our cultural landscape.

Currently, Mary co-hosts the acclaimed Dolls of our Lives podcast, where she delves into the American Girls series book by book, analyzing the historical narratives embedded within these iconic dolls. Her work on the podcast has garnered attention from prestigious outlets such as The New York Times, A.V. Club, and The Paris Review.

In 2023, Mary published "Dolls of Our Lives: Why We Can’t Quit American Girl," a groundbreaking exploration of the origins and cultural impact of the American Girl brand. This book has received widespread acclaim and has been featured on NPR’s All Things Considered, The New Yorker, and other prominent platforms.

Mary holds a Ph.D. in History from the University of Connecticut, with a dissertation titled “Books as Medicine.” Her academic journey includes serving as an Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow and co-directing the Public Humanities Collaborative at Trinity College. Mary's expertise in digital scholarship and public history has led to significant contributions in academia and community engagement.

Mary loves working with individuals, small businesses, and cultural organizations or nonprofits to support their work. Her strength is helping to frame stories for the public using digital tools, and supporting the project management work needed to bring them to life. She is committed to inclusive storytelling and community-engaged work.

Mary lives with her wife in Connecticut.

Erica Crowley

Erica Crowley is a dedicated professional committed to community engagement, social justice, and education. With nearly a decade of experience in various capacities, Erica currently serves as the Director of Community Learning in Trinity College’s Center for Hartford Engagement & Research where she oversees academic programs focused on community action, community-based research, public humanities and creative projects. She fosters meaningful relationships with community partners, faculty, and students to develop impactful projects and courses. Some of her notable accomplishments in this role have been developing college-wide guidance and collaboratively developed resources on best practices for community engagement, specifically focusing on building trust-based, mutually beneficial community partnerships and engaging anti-racist pedagogy. She also proudly serves as a campus mentor to Posse Chicago scholars.

Prior to her current position, Erica served as lead organizer for Pro-Choice Connecticut (now ReproEquityNow) where she directed successful grassroots organizing campaigns to advance proactive municipal and state level reproductive rights legislation. She has previously served as a Commissioner on the City of Hartford’s Permanent Commission on the Status of Hartford Women.

Erica holds a Master’s of Social Work with a concentration in community organizing from the University of Connecticut School of Social Work. With a background in macro-social work, research and advocacy, Erica brings a wealth of skills in program development, organizing and outreach, and organizational leadership. She holds a deep commitment to fostering inclusive spaces and making public, community-engaged work.